Silver House: Legal
HIPAA Privacy & Patient Rights
This is a policy of Silver House Healthcare LLC (“we,” “us,” “our,” or “Silver House”) and applies to its Collaborative Care Communities, which include but are not limited to MemoryWatch™, Circles™, and BATWatch™. These communities are collectively or individually referred to as (our “Community,” “MemoryWatch,” “Circles,” or “BATWatch”).
Each Collaborative Care Community has been specifically developed to target distinct stages and aspects of cognitive health management:
- MemoryWatch™ is a program that focuses on supporting individuals and families impacted by cognitive decline or dementia, providing access to a vast network of healthcare providers, assisted living facilities (ALFs), and support systems tailored to these needs.
- Circles™ is a program that serves those in the pre-clinical stages of cognitive decline, offering social, lifestyle, and wellness activities aimed at promoting cognitive health early in life to prevent chronic stress and long-term decline.
- BATWatch™ is a program designed to empower healthcare providers by offering resources and collaborative frameworks to support early detection and management of Alzheimer’s through BAT Levels™ monitoring, testing, and treatment.
By enrolling or participating in any of these communities, all Members agree to abide by the terms outlined herein and any specific community-based guidelines related to their care or services.
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Our entire Community is devoted to the providing highest level of care, offering unparalleled expertise and resources specifically tailored to support cognitively health. All members of our Community participate in an Organized Health Care Arrangement (the “Community OHCA”), so they can share health information within our Community for treatment, payment, and joint health care operations activities. Those joint operations activities may include quality improvement, risk management, financial and billing services, and health information exchanges.
Each Community health care service provider also will share health information with the doctors and many other health care providers who care for patients.
This notice uses the words “protected health information (PHI)” or “health information.” Those words are defined in the HIPAA regulations. In simple terms, your “protected health information” is information about you and your healthcare that we use and disclose for your treatment and payment for your care, and for our healthcare operational purposes. It includes basic identifying information like your name, address, age, race, phone number, as well as information in your medical records and billing records. PHI can be oral, or in paper or electronic formats.
Who Must Follow This Notice?
We provide you, the patient, with health care by working with doctors and many other health care providers (referred to as we, our or us). This is a joint notice of our information privacy practices. The following people or groups will follow this notice:
All Community members, including hospitals, clinics, home health agencies, outpatient services, mobile units, hospice agencies, skilled nursing facilities, foundation research units; and
Any health care provider who comes to our locations to care for you. These professionals include doctors, nurses, technicians, physician assistants; and
All departments and units of our organization, including skilled nursing, home health, clinics, outpatient services, mobile units, hospice, rehab facilities, and emergency departments; and
Our employees, students, and volunteers, including those at regional support offices; and
Our Pledge to You!
We understand that your protected health information is private and personal. We are committed to protecting it. Hospitals, clinics, doctors, home health and hospice staff, and other staff members make a record each time you visit. This notice applies to all the records of your care, whether created by staff members or your doctor. Your doctor and other health care providers may have different practices or notices about their use and sharing of protected health information in their own offices or clinics that are not affiliated with our Community. We will gladly explain this notice to you or your family member.
We are required by law to:
keep your protected health information.
give you this notice describing our legal duties and privacy practices for your protected health.
notify you as outlined in state and federal law if a breach of your unsecured protected health information.
How We May Use and Share Your Protected Health Information
This section of our notice tells how we may use and share your protected health information, including sharing electronically. In situations not covered by this notice or otherwise allowed by law and regulation, we will get a separate written permission from you before we use or share your protected health information. You can later cancel your permission by notifying us in writing.
We will protect your protected health information as much as we can under the law. Sometimes state law gives more protection to your information than federal law.
Sometimes federal law gives more protection than state law. In each case, we will apply the laws that protect your information the most.
Treatment: We will use and share your protected health information, both internally and externally, to provide you with health care treatment and to coordinate or manage your treatment with other health care providers. An example is sending medical information about you to your doctor or to a specialist as part of a referral. We may also share your information with other types of health care providers after you leave, such as pharmacies, home health agencies, specialty hospitals, or long-term care facilities.
Payment: We will use and share your protected health information so we can be paid for treating you. An example is giving information about you to your health plan or to Medicare. We may also need to give information to your health plan to get approval for certain services or to find out if your plan will pay for certain treatment. We may also share your health information with other health care providers involved in your healthcare, such as your personal physician, anesthesiologist, ambulance services, so that they may receive payment for their services. We may also give your healthcare information to individuals who are responsible for payment for your health care, such as the named insured on your health insurance policy. For example, the person named may receive a copy of an explanation of benefits (EOB) related to your care.
Health Care Operations: are certain administrative, financial, legal, and quality improvement activities of a covered entity that are necessary to run its business and to support the core functions of treatment and payment. These activities, which are limited to the activities listed in the definition of “health care operations” at 45 CFR 164.501, include:
Conducting quality assessment and improvement activities, population-based activities relating to improving health or reducing health care costs, and case management and care coordination.
Reviewing the competence or qualifications of health care professionals, evaluating provider and health plan performance, training health care and non-health care professionals, accreditation, certification, licensing, or credentialing activities.
Underwriting and other activities relating to the creation, renewal, or replacement of a contract of health insurance or health benefits, and ceding, securing, or placing a contract for reinsurance of risk relating to health care claims.
Conducting or arranging for medical review, legal, and auditing services, including fraud and abuse detection and compliance programs.
Business planning and development, such as conducting cost-management and planning analyses related to managing and operating the entity; and
Business management and general administrative activities, including those related to implementing and complying with the Privacy Rule and other Administrative Simplification Rules, customer service, resolution of internal grievances, sale or transfer of assets, creating de-identified health information or a limited data set, and fundraising for the benefit of the covered entity. General Provisions at 45 CFR 164.506.
Family Members, Personal Representatives, and Others Involved in Your Care: Unless you tell us otherwise, we may share your protected health information with your friends, family members, or others you have named who help with your care or who can make decisions on your behalf about your health care. Also, if you cannot agree due to an emergency, we may share needed protected health information about you with your family or friends who are involved in your care, based on professional judgment of what is in your best interest. In rare instances, even without your permission, we may share your information with others if the physician or health care provider feels it is in your best interest.
Electronic Sharing and Pooling of Your Information: We may take part in or make possible the electronic sharing or pooling of healthcare information. The most common way we do this is through local or regional health information exchanges (HIEs). Two other types of HIEs we participate in are described in the next two sections. HIEs help doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers within a geographic area or community provide quality care to you. If you travel and need medical treatment, HIEs allow other doctors or hospitals to electronically contact us about you. All of this helps us manage your care when more than one doctor is involved. It also helps us to keep your health bills lower (avoid repeating lab tests). And finally, it helps us to improve the overall quality of care provided to you and others. We are involved in national health reform efforts and may use and share information as permitted to achieve regional or national goals, including regional or nationally approved population health management or wellness initiatives.
Community Information Exchange: All Community members participate in our Community Health Information Exchange (HIE). Your health information is stored electronically, and doctors employed by, or associated with Community members may use and share your health information for treatment, payment, and health care operations.
State-Based Health Information Exchange: We may participate in statewide internet-based HIE. As permitted by law, your health information will be shared through the HIE to provide faster access, better coordination of care and to assist healthcare providers, health plans, and public health officials in making more informed decisions. To opt in or out of the HIE, you must notify the HIE yourself.
Fund-raising Activities: We may use limited information to contact you for fundraising. We may also share such information with our fundraising foundations. You may choose to opt out of receiving fund-raising requests if you are contacted.
Research: We may use and share your protected health information for research projects, such as studying the effectiveness of a treatment you received. We will typically get your written permission, during your first visit, to use or share your information for research. Under certain circumstances, we may share your protected health information without your written permission. These research projects, however, will be approved by a special committee that protects the confidentiality of your medical information.
Organ and Tissue Donation: We may share your protected health information with organizations that handle organ, eye or tissue donation or transplantation.
Appointment Reminders: We may contact you by phone, email or text messaging with appointment reminders.
Health Education and Health Programs: We may send you newsletters or brochures or contact you about health-related information, disease management programs, wellness programs, or other local programs that you might want.
Information Sharing That is Required or Permitted by Law
We are required or permitted by federal, state, or local law to report or share your health information for various purposes. Some of these required or permitted purposes are:
Public Health Activities: We may share your protected health information as required or permitted by law to public health authorities or government agencies whose official activities include preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability. For example, we must report certain information about births, deaths, and various diseases to government agencies. We may use your health information in order to report to monitoring agencies any reactions to medications or problems with medical devices. We may also share, when requested, your protected health information with public health agencies that track opioid usage, contagious diseases or that are involved with preventing epidemics.
Required by Law: We are sometimes required by law to report certain information. For example, we must report child and elder abuse and neglect, and in some states, spouse abuse or neglect. We are required to report certain types of injuries, such as injuries caused by firearms. We also must give information to your employer about work-related illness, injury or workplace-related medical surveillance. Another example is that we must share information about tumors with state tumor registries.
Public Safety: We may, and sometimes must, share your health information in order to prevent or lessen a serious threat to you or to the health or safety of a particular person or the general public.
Health Oversight Activities: We may share your health information with a health oversight agency when allowed by law for health oversight activities. Health oversight agencies include the agencies that run Medicare and Medicaid, and state medical or nursing licensing boards. Health oversight activities include audits, investigations, or inspections.
The activities are necessary so the government can monitor health care treatment and spending, government programs and also compliance with civil rights laws.
Coroners, Medical Examiners and Funeral Directors: We may share health information about deceased patients with coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors to identify a deceased person, determine the cause of death, or other duties as permitted.
Military, Veterans, National Security and Other Government Agencies: We may use or share your health information for national security purposes, intelligence activities or for protective services for the President or certain other persons as allowed by law. We may share your health information with the military for military command purposes when you are a member of the armed forces. We may share medical information with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services for investigating or determining our compliance with HIPAA.
Judicial or Administrative Proceedings: We may use or share your health information in response to court orders or subpoenas only when we have followed procedures required by law.
Law Enforcement: We may share your health information if law enforcement officials ask us to or if we have a legal obligation to notify the appropriate law enforcement or other agencies:
If there is a court order, court-ordered warrant, subpoena or administrative request
To identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness or missing person
To answer a law enforcement official’s request for information about a victim or suspected victim of a crime
To alert law enforcement of a person’s death if the organization suspects that criminal activity caused the death
When an organization believes that PHI is evidence of a crime that occurred on its premises
In a medical emergency not occurring on its premises, when it’s necessary to inform law enforcement about the commission and nature of a crime, the location of the crime or crime victims and the perpetrator of the crime
Workers’ Compensation: We may share your health information for workers’ compensation benefits or similar programs that provide benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses if you tell us that workers’ compensation is the payer for your visit(s). Your employer or workers’ compensation carrier may request the entire medical record for your workers’ compensation claim. This medical record may include details regarding your health history, current medications you are taking, and treatments.
Inmates: If you are an inmate of a correctional institution or in the custody of a law enforcement official, we may share your health information with the institution or law enforcement official. We may do this for the institution to provide you with health care, to protect your health and safety or the health and safety of others, or for the safety and security of the correctional institution.
Other Uses and Disclosures of Your Health Information
Apart from what we say in this Notice, we will not use or share your health information unless we get your written permission. Under HIPAA, this permission is called an “authorization.” If you give us written permission to use or disclose your health information, you may revoke (take back) that permission in writing at any time. If you revoke your permission, we will no longer use or disclose your health information for the purpose involved. However, we cannot retrieve any disclosures that we already made based on your prior permission.
We will get your written permission to use and disclose your health information for these specific purposes when required by law:
Marketing: Marketing means to make a communication about a product or service that you may be interested in buying. If we send a marketing communication to you about a non-Community service or product, or if we receive payment from a third party in order for us to promote a product or service to you, then we are required to get your written permission before we can use or disclose your health information.
We are not required to get your written permission to talk with you in person or send you information about the following:
health care
health-related products and services that are provided by our Community
case management or care coordination
recommended alternative treatments, therapies, providers, or settings of care.
samples or promotional gifts of nominal value
You have the right to revoke (take back) your marketing permission and we will honor the request
To find out who to contact for opting out of these communications, please contact the Privacy Officer.
Psychotherapy Notes: Psychotherapy notes are special notes by a mental health professional that document or analyze the contents of a conversation during a private counseling session or a group, joint, or family counseling session. Psychotherapy notes are kept separate from the rest of your health information, and they may not be used or disclosed without your written permission, except as may be required by law.
Sensitive Medical Information: We may obtain a written permission from you, when required by state and federal laws, to use or share sensitive medical information, such as mental health, substance abuse, or genetic testing information.
Sale of Health Information: We will obtain your authorization for any disclosure of your health information if we directly or indirectly receive remuneration (money or other valuable things) in exchange for the health information.
This Notice Does Not Apply to the Following Health Related Activities
Some activities may not be covered by this notice and are referred to as Hybrid activities under HIPAA. If you seek services at our wellness or health fairs, for occupational health services, employee health related services, research activities conducted by academic institutions after your information has been legitimately sent to them, or direct access lab services, this notice and HIPAA do not apply.
Your Rights Regarding Your Health Information
Your rights are listed below. Some of the rights require a written request form. You can get the appropriate written request form from the departments outlined below.
Requesting Your Information (Access or Copy): In most cases, when you ask in writing, you can look at or get a copy of your protected health information in your medical records or applicable parts of your billing record in paper or electronic format. You may also request that we send electronic copies directly to a person or entity chosen by you. We will give you a form to fill out to make the request. You can look at medical information about you for free. If you request paper or electronic copies of the information, we may charge a fee to cover the cost of copying, mailing, and supplies. To request a copy of your information, contact the Medical Records/Health Information Management department or physician practice administrator for the respective hospital, clinic, or facility.
If we say no to your request to look at the information or get a copy of it, we will tell you why in writing. Also, you may ask us in writing to review that decision. A health care professional will review your request and the decision. The person who makes the review will not be the same person who said no to your request. We will follow the outcome of the review.
Correcting Your Information (Amendment): If you believe that information about you is wrong or not complete, you can ask us in writing to correct the records (make an amendment). We will give you a form to fill out to make the request. We may say no to your request to correct a record if the information was not created or kept by us or if we believe the record is complete and correct. If we say no to your request, you can ask us in writing to review that denial.
Obtaining a List of Certain Disclosures (Accounting of Disclosures): You can ask to receive a list of certain disclosures we have made of your protected health information during the last six years. To get the list, ask for the Accounting of Disclosures Form from the Medical Records/Health Information Management department or the Privacy Officer. Your request must be in writing and state the time period (up to six years) for the listing. The first request in a 12-month period is free. We will charge you for any additional requests for our cost of producing the list. We will give you an estimate of the cost when you request the additional list.
Right to Ask for Confidential Communications: You have the right to ask us to communicate with you about health care matters in a certain way or at a certain address. For example, you can ask that we only contact you at a different location from your home address, such as work, or only contact you by mail instead of by phone. Your request must tell how or where you want to be contacted. We do not require a reason. We will agree to all reasonable requests.
Right to Ask for a Restriction: You can ask in writing that we limit our use or sharing of your protected health information for treatment, payment and operational purposes. We are not required to agree to most requests. Any time you make a written request, we will consider the request and tell you in writing of our decision to accept or deny your request. We are legally required to agree to only one type of restriction request: if you have paid us in full for a health procedure or item for which we would normally bill your health plan, we must agree to your request not to share information about that procedure or item with your health plan. For example, if you saw a counselor and paid in full for the services rather than submitting the expenses to your health plan, you may ask that your health information related to the counseling not be shared with your health plan.
Right to Receive Notice of a Privacy Breach: We will tell you if we discover a breach of your health information. Breach means that your health information was disclosed or shared in an unintended way and there is more than a low probability that it has been compromised. The notice will tell you about the breach, about steps we have taken to lessen any possible harm from the breach, and actions that you may need to take in response to the breach.
Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice: You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. If you have received this notice electronically, you still can have a paper copy of this notice. You may ask us to give you a copy of this notice at any time.
To ask questions about any of these rights, or to obtain a paper copy of this notice, contact our Privacy Officer. You may also obtain a copy of this notice at our website.
Changes to this Notice
We may change our privacy practices from time to time. Changes will apply to current medical information, as well as new information after the change occurs. If we make an important change, we will change this notice. We will also post the new notice in our facilities and on our website. You can ask in writing for a copy of this notice at any time by contacting our Privacy Officer. If our notice has materially changed, we will give you a copy of the notice the next time you register for treatment.
Internal Clinical Studies
Introduction: Our Community is committed to pioneering advancements in cognitive health. As part of our dedication to this mission, we conduct ongoing internal clinical studies focusing on cognitive health for all generations. Our approach is grounded in the principles of transparency, collaboration, and the belief that shared knowledge empowers both our medical community and those we serve.
Study Overview: Our studies are designed to explore and enhance existing protocols, seeking innovative ways to improve the quality of life for individuals with cognitive health challenges, whether later stage impairments, or early-stage concerns. These studies involve participants, their families, caregivers, and community members providing us with valuable insights and data.
Transparency and Updates:
Regular Updates: We believe in keeping our community informed. As such, we regularly update our findings and share them publicly. These updates may include new insights, changes in protocols, or progress in our research.
Open Access: All results and findings from our studies are made available on our website. We ensure that this information is accessible and understandable, fostering an environment of knowledge sharing.
Disclaimers: In all communications regarding our studies, we include clear disclaimers. For instance: “This study is an independent clinical research conducted by MemoryWatch Foundation, Silver House Foundation, or other partnered organization, focusing on Stage 1 through Stage 4 Dementia. It is not sponsored or influenced by any government agency or external commercial entity.”
HIPAA and PHI Compliance: In all our clinical studies, we strictly adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards. We ensure the protection of Personal Health Information (PHI) of all participants, maintaining the highest level of confidentiality and data security. Our commitment to these standards is unwavering, as we recognize the importance of trust and privacy in medical research.
Collaboration and Shared Knowledge: We believe in the power of collaboration and shared knowledge. Our studies are not just about advancing our understanding but also about contributing to the global conversation on cognitive health. We encourage feedback, discussion, and participation from the wider medical community and the public.
Ethical Standards and Participant Safety: The safety and well-being of our study participants are paramount. We adhere to strict ethical standards in all our research activities, ensuring that participant confidentiality and welfare are always prioritized.
Continuous Improvement: Our commitment to cognitive health is an ongoing journey. We continuously seek to refine our methods, learn from our findings, and apply this knowledge to improve our care and treatment protocols.
Contact and Inquiries: For more information about our internal clinical studies, or to inquire about participation or findings, please contact us at ops [at] silverhouse [dot] health. We welcome your interest and are happy to provide further details.
Video Record Use
Our Community is committed to revolutionizing cognitive health care through its members’ continuous development of new and innovative technologies, educating, and training new cognitive health professionals, and providing educational resources to the world about best-in-class cognitive health data to help combat the coming dementia crisis.
Toward this end, our members may be observed and evaluated directly or through Video Records. And because video recording creates a potentially enduring record of images, the following document describes the policies regarding use of such records, confidentiality, security, and record retention. An additional section is included for individuals with the potential to be recorded.
These policies are understood and adhered to by all students, faculty, and staff.
1) All Video Records generated within our Community of providers, are maintained on a private Community server within a secure server room. Firewall protection is maintained according to accepted standards of our Community. Access to the server room is limited to authorized IT staff. Access to all Video Records is password protected.
2) Video Record viewing is controlled on a need-to-view basis. Only those Community faculty or staff, with a legitimate educational need (ordinarily those faculty or staff associated with our Community and/or the educational program, course, or curriculum, or Artificial Intelligence (AI) Unit for which that Video Record was generated) will have access to Video Records
3) The IT staff in conjunction with the course director and the AI Unit will manage the permission to view and use Video Records by authorized faculty, staff, and/or students. Any other use of Video Records requires permission and authorization as described within this agreement.
4) Regardless of accessibility, no faculty or staff will view or use any Video Records without first submitting a duly executed and signed Video Record Use and Confidentiality Agreement.
5) Video Records obtained in the course of education can be used to:
Provide feedback to students, and the AI Unit to improve their performance;
Formally assess student, and the AI Unit achievement and/or competency;
Help evaluate and improve college or program curriculum, and neural Community training models;
Evaluate and improve our teaching and assessment processes using human and non- human simulations;
Aid in the teaching of future students (Institutional Purpose);
Research (Scholarly Purposes) to devise best-in-class treatment and diagnostic protocols.
6) In instances when Video Records may be used for Institutional Purposes and there is a recognizable image of a student, faculty, or Standardized Patient (SP), written permission of those individuals will be obtained prior to the use of any such images. This permission will stipulate the specific use(s) of the Video Records, including the duration of use. The individual(s) reserves the right to agree or disagree to its use with or without stipulations. Such stipulations may include limitation to specified use(s) or the de-identification of features or voice so as to diminish the likelihood of recognizing the identity of the individual. All stipulations will be documented in the consent. Even after such consent has been granted, individuals retain the right to revoke their consent at any time.
7) In instances when for Scholarly Purposes Video Records and/or data obtained from them may be used for research, internal review board review and approval is required. Depending on the nature of the proposed research, the internal review board may or may not require written informed consent from individuals with recognizable images. Regardless, all research personnel who have access to Video Records must still be authorized for such access as specified above. internal review board-approved uses of Video Records may include retention policies that are different than those described herein and will prevail in these circumstances.
8) Video Records will be maintained in accordance with Community Record Retention and Destruction Policy.
Video Records that are not a part of a student’s permanent record will be retained until electronically destroyed, normally one year following the student’s graduation or within one year of the end of the student’s tenure as a designated Community student, whichever comes first.
Video Records that are considered a part of an official student record or portfolio such as those created during high-stakes assessments (i.e., those that regulate student progress through a Community curriculum) may be retained longer, as outlined in our Community Record Retention and Destruction policy. Video Records that are considered a part of the neural Community training shall be anonymized to remove any patient health information, or likeness.
9) Any copying, duplication, or other form of distribution of audio or video footage released by our Community is prohibited. Violation of this policy may result in student dismissal or faculty/staff termination.
Consent for Video Recording (for student, faculty, SP, AI Unit)
You, hereby authorize our Community to video record You for the purpose of teaching, learning, review, and evaluation. You hereby assign all rights to the release and retention of Video Records to our Community as outlined in this agreement. You understand that Video Records will be used for educational and training purposes only. Any other use will require specific written permission.
Do You Have Concerns or Complaints?
If you think your privacy rights may have been violated, you may contact us at ops [at] silverhouse [dot] health or call 1-202-681-1274, or contact our Privacy Officer. You may also send a written complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights at or Centralized Case Management Operations, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 509F HHH Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20201. We will not take any action against you or change our treatment of you for filing a complaint. CONTACT INFORMATION: Privacy Officer Phone: 202-681-1274 Email: ops [at] silverhouse [dot] health.
Email Correspondence
Individual Providers and patients may decide to use email to facilitate communication. Some providers in our Community may communicate via email, but this agreement does not obligate all Community providers to communicate via email. Email may be one of many forms of communication with our Community.
Risk of using email
You request to use email to communicate to our Community and staff about your personal health care. You understand that Community providers and staff will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received. You understand that there are known and unknown risks that may affect the privacy of your personal health care information when using email to communicate. You acknowledge that those risks include, but are not limited, to:
Email can be forwarded, printed, and stored in numerous paper and electronic forms and be received by many intended and unintended recipients without your knowledge or agreement.
Email may be sent to the wrong address by any sender or receiver.
Email is easier to forge than handwritten or signed papers.
Copies of email may exist even after the sender, or the receiver has deleted his or her copy.
Email service providers have a right to archive and inspect emails sent through their systems.
Email can be intercepted, altered, forwarded, or used without detection or authorization.
Email can spread computer viruses.
Email delivery is not guaranteed.
Conditions for the Use of Email
You agree that You must not use email for medical emergencies or to send time sensitive information to your providers. You understand and agree that it is your responsibility to follow up with Community providers or staff, if You have not received a response to your email within a reasonable time period.
You agree that the content of your email messages should state your question or concern briefly and clearly and include (1) the subject of the message in the subject line, and (2) clear patient identification including patient name, telephone number and patient identification number in the body of the message. You agree it is your responsibility to inform Community registration of any changes to your email address. You agree that, if You want to withdraw your consent to use email communications about your healthcare, it is your responsibility to inform your providers or Community staff member only by email or written communication.
Understanding the Use of Email
You give permission to Community providers and staff to send You email messages that include your personal health care information and understand that your email messages may be included in your medical record. You have read and understand the risks of using email as stated above and agree that email messages may include protected health information about You, whenever necessary.