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How the Dementia and Cognitive Support Levels Calculator Works

The Dementia and Cognitive Support Levels Calculator is an easy-to-use, self-service tool designed to help families determine which Dementia Support Level is appropriate for their loved one. Here’s how it works:

  1. Input Functional Information: The calculator asks about daily living activities (ADLs) such as mobility, personal care, and eating. It also inquires about cognitive issues such as forgetfulness, confusion, and behavioral changes.
  2. Level Estimation: Based on the input, the calculator suggests a Dementia & Cognitive Support Level from 1 (minimal support) to 4 (comprehensive, round-the-clock support).
  3. Estimated Costs: The calculator helps with estimating costs based on transparent pricing provided from the facilities. These prices reflect current market rates and help families make informed decisions based on their budget.
  4. Transparency: Families can use this tool to understand what type of services their loved one will need, as well as the associated costs.

The tool offers guidance and clarity before any formal healthcare evaluations are conducted.

Why Dementia and Cognitive Support Improves Clarity

This approach helps ensure that families know exactly what to expect when they choose a Dementia and Cognitive Support facility. Instead of ambiguous promises about “care,” they will understand that we are providing a supportive environment to help with all aspects of living, including safety, comfort, and dignity.

By making this distinction, we are improving transparency and making sure families know exactly what kind of support their loved one will receive.

Legal & Compliance Notes

This calculator provides general guidance for understanding dementia support needs and associated costs. However, final recommendations should always come after a formal evaluation by a licensed healthcare provider. No sensitive or personal information is stored during the use of this tool, and it is strictly for informational purposes.

By transitioning to the term Dementia & Conigitive Support, we ensure that families and caregivers have a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the services their loved ones will receive. The Level of Care Calculator serves as a tool to guide these decisions, offering transparency, clarity, and peace of mind.

Dementia & Cognitive Support Weighted Levels Calculation

Each category is rated on a scale of 1 to 4, with Level 4 representing the most intensive support. The final Dementia & Cognitive Support Level will be determined by the highest weighted score with special emphasis on critical categories such as medication management and cognitive supervision.

Categories and Weighted Values

  1. Mobility (Weight: 10%)

Level 1: Fully mobile, no assistance needed.

Level 2: Occasional assistance (e.g., cane, walker).

Level 3: Needs physical assistance to transfer or walk.

Level 4: Full assistance required for movement or wheelchair-bound.

  1. Eating & Nutrition (Weight: 10%)

Level 1: Eats independently, no supervision required.

Level 2: Needs assistance cutting food, prompting required.

Level 3: Requires significant supervision or assistance with meals.

Level 4: Full assistance required with eating and ensuring nutrition.

  1. Bathing & Hygiene (Weight: 15%)

Level 1: Independent in hygiene and bathing.

Level 2: Requires occasional prompts or setup for bath.

Level 3: Needs physical assistance in bathing or grooming.

Level 4: Total assistance required for hygiene, grooming, or bathing.

  1. Dressing (Weight: 10%)

Level 1: Independent dressing, no assistance.

Level 2: Requires minimal assistance, such as choosing clothes.

Level 3: Needs help with physical dressing or prompts.

Level 4: Full assistance required with dressing.

  1. Cognitive Supervision (Weight: 25%)

Level 1: No cognitive decline requiring supervision.

Level 2: Mild cognitive decline, occasional check-ins required.

Level 3: Frequent supervision due to moderate cognitive issues.

Level 4: Constant supervision needed for safety (e.g., wandering, aggression).

  1. Behavioral Challenges (Weight: 10%)

Level 1: No significant behavioral challenges.

Level 2: Mild behavioral issues, such as anxiety or occasional frustration.

Level 3: More frequent behavioral challenges requiring interventions.

Level 4: Severe behavioral issues requiring specialized management.

  1. Medication Management (Weight: 20%)

Level 1: Independent in taking medications.

Level 2: Needs reminders but can self-manage with prompting.

Level 3: Requires daily supervision and assistance with medications.

Level 4: Full supervision and management required for medication administration.

  1. Communication Abilities (Weight: 10%)

Level 1: Communicates clearly, no assistance required.

Level 2: Occasional trouble finding words or following conversations.

Level 3: Significant difficulty in communication, requiring frequent assistance.

Level 4: Non-verbal or very limited communication, requires total assistance.

Calculating the Dementia Support Level

  • Levels 1-2: Total score is between 10-35%, suggesting minimal support needed.
  • Level 3: Total score is between 36-70%, indicating moderate to high support in most areas.
  • Level 4: Total score is 71-100%, requiring intensive support across critical categories like cognitive supervision or medication management.

How the Level of Care Calculator Works

The Level of Care Calculator will ask users to respond to questions that rate their loved one’s current abilities across the categories mentioned above. The tool will use a weighted calculation based on their answers to give them an estimated Dementia and Cognitive Support Level (1, 2, 3, or 4).

  • Transparent Process: Users will be able to see how their answers align with the calculated level, making the process easy to understand and transparent. They’ll know what areas require more support and how those areas affect the overall level.
  • Guidance: Once the Dementia & Cognitive Support Level is calculated, users will be provided with estimated costs for facilities offering each level of support based on real-time data from our network. They will also receive guidance about how to proceed, including a potential evaluation to fine-tune the level and services once they move forward with facility selection.

The Questions Currently Used for Calculator

  1. Mobility Question: How well can your loved one move around the home or facility on their own?
  • a) Fully independent—no assistance required.
  • b) Needs occasional assistance—requires a cane, walker, or occasional support.
  • c) Needs physical assistance—requires help to transfer, walk, or move around.
  • d) Dependent on full assistance or wheelchair-bound.
  1. Eating & Nutrition Question: How much assistance does your loved one need with meals?
  • a) No assistance required—eats independently.
  • b) Needs reminders or help preparing food but can eat on their own.
  • c) Requires help cutting food or needs direct supervision during meals.
  • d) Full assistance needed with feeding and ensuring nutrition.
  1. Bathing & Hygiene Question: Does your loved one need help with personal hygiene and bathing?
  • a) No assistance required—handles hygiene and bathing independently.
  • b) Needs occasional prompts or setup assistance for hygiene or bath.
  • c) Requires physical assistance for bathing and hygiene.
  • d) Full assistance required for hygiene, grooming, and bathing.
  1. Dressing Question: How much assistance does your loved one need with getting dressed?
  • a) No assistance required—completely independent.
  • b) Needs reminders or minimal help—e.g., choosing appropriate clothes.
  • c) Requires help getting dressed—physical assistance needed.
  • d) Needs full assistance to dress.
  1. Cognitive Supervision Question: How often does your loved one need supervision due to cognitive challenges (e.g., forgetfulness, confusion)?
  • a) No supervision required—manages daily activities independently.
  • b) Mild supervision—occasional check-ins or reminders needed.
  • c) Frequent supervision—moderate cognitive impairment requiring regular oversight.
  • d) Constant supervision required—severe cognitive decline with risk of wandering or behavioral issues.
  1. Behavioral Challenges Question: How often does your loved one exhibit challenging behaviors that need management (e.g., anxiety, aggression, wandering)?
  • a) No significant behavioral challenges.
  • b) Mild challenges—occasional anxiety or frustration, easily managed.
  • c) Frequent behavioral challenges—requires regular management or intervention.
  • d) Severe challenges—constant management required due to significant behavioral issues.
  1. Medication Management Question: Does your loved one need help managing their medications?
  • a) No assistance needed—takes medication independently.
  • b) Needs occasional reminders—can self-manage with prompting.
  • c) Requires daily supervision—needs help organizing and taking medications.
  • d) Full assistance required—medications must be administered by someone else.
  1. Communication Abilities Question: How well can your loved one communicate their needs and understand others?
  • a) No communication challenges—able to speak and understand clearly.
  • b) Occasional trouble communicating or understanding conversations.
  • c) Significant difficulty communicating—needs assistance to understand or express needs.
  • d) Very limited or non-verbal communication, needs full assistance.
  1. Medication Complexity Question: How complex is your loved one’s medication regimen (e.g., number of medications, dosing schedule)?
  • a) Very simple—1-2 medications with no complex dosing.
  • b) Moderately simple—several medications, but easy to manage.
  • c) Moderately complex—requires supervision to manage medications.
  • d) Highly complex—requires detailed, ongoing management.

The transition from “Dementia Care” to “Dementia & Cognitive Support” represents our commitment to providing clear, accurate, and transparent information for families and caregivers.

By focusing on support rather than medical intervention, we align expectations with the actual services provided in dementia-focused environments. Our Level of Care Calculator offers an intuitive, user-friendly way for families to better understand the needs of their loved ones and make informed decisions about care options.

While the calculator provides a useful starting point, a formal healthcare evaluation is always recommended to confirm the support level and create a personalized care plan.

With real-time pricing estimates from MemoryWatch™, families can trust that they are receiving the most up-to-date and relevant information by medical professionals to guide their care journey. At every stage, we prioritize the dignity, safety, and quality of life for those experiencing cognitive decline, ensuring families are supported in navigating these critical decisions.